You can contact the Permastore team in several ways and we will always aim to provide a timely response to your enquiry.
Make an Enquiry
We are always here to help. Please feel free to contact us directly by completing and then submitting the enquiry form shown below. To direct your enquiry more efficiently please first select the category of your enquiry and whether you require a reply from either our Sales or Technical support department.
We aim to answer all enquires where possible by return. You can call us directly using the phone number that is provided on screen or, if you would prefer, someone to call you back to discuss your enquiry in more detail please indicate this when completing the form requesting a call back and giving any further details of your enquiry and the geographical region it relates.
Permastore Limited
Airfield Business Park,
Eye, IP23 7HS
Phone: +44 (0)1379 870723