Permastore Tanks & Silos

Permastore is the industry technical leader in the design, development and manufacture of Modular Bolted
Glass-Fused-to-Steel, Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coated and Stainless Steel containment storage solutions.

Glass-Fused-To-Steel Chosen for Cartago Infrastructure Improvement

Cartago, the old capital of Costa Rica, is the third largest city in the country with a population of ninety-five thousand people.  Its residents enjoy a warm climate all year round, but the warm temperatures affected their water supply resulting in them suffering from water shortages and rationing.  In 2014 city officials concluded that the best solution to solve the problem regarding water shortages was to invest in the upgrade and expansion of their water supply network.  The project was subsequently signed off and approved in 2017 and it is on course to be completed in 2020.

To ensure the success of such a major project, investment in new technology was called upon to balance water supplies across the city, eliminate local water shortages and improve old infrastructure that had become outdated and unable to cope with the demands of the growing population.

Residents of the city have started to benefit from water stored in a PERMASTORE® Glass-Fused-to-Steel water containment solution, which forms a critical part of the improved infrastructure for the city.  The PERMASTORE® modular potable water tank was supplied and installed by CubicStore, our experienced partner in Costa Rica, inside the town’s existing old concrete water tank known as “Central Tank”.

The end customer chose the PERMASTORE® Glass-Fused-to-Steel solution because it had been successfully used on earlier projects in San Carlos and Santa Ana and was recommended by AyA (the Costa Rican Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers).  AyA is the main governing body in water management and installation of new water infrastructure which must adhere to strict performance criteria.  AyA view the PERMASTORE® Glass-Fused-to-Steel solution to be the best technical product on the market due to the corrosion resistance of the glass used that provides a durable, inert and hygienic surface making it simple to clean and disinfect.  Owner of CubicStore, Roger Cubero, commented “The level of quality of PERMASTORE® Glass-Fused-to-Steel tanks is unbeatable”.

PERMASTORE® Glass-Fused-to-Steel tanks are the ideal choice for this type of project as they offer a cost-effective lifetime coating that provides low maintenance safe and secure storage.  They  are engineered in accordance with  ISO Standards which provide a framework for determining a service life of up to 50 years.

If you are looking to specify a Glass-Fused-to-Steel tank for a project which involves improvement of water or wastewater infrastructure or to discuss your next water storage project get in touch with your local distributor  Together we can help tackle the global water crisis, improve infrastructure and help to ensure that all the population have access to a safe water supply.

If you require any further information regarding this article or would like more information about how you can become or work with an approved Permastore partner within your local area, please contact us using the following ways:



Telephone:  +44 1379 872670

If you would like to contact one of our distribution partners to discuss a project in your area or to hear more about the industry leading PERMASTORE® product portfolio then please click the following link:


About Permastore:

Permastore is a UK company and the technical leader in the design, development, manufacture and supply of modular bolted Glass-Fused-to-Steel, Fusion Bonded Epoxy and Stainless-Steel containment solutions.  Permastore exports globally through an extensive network of approved partners reaching all corners of the globe.

Permastore is at the forefront of the industry with product development and continuous innovation being key to its success.  Supported by a clear vision and set of values that match our ambition to continue as the technical leader that provides quality products and excellent customer service.

With over 60 years’ proven experience, Permastore provides the industry benchmark for durable engineered cost-effective containment solutions to Municipal, Industrial, Agricultural and Biofuel applications that are proven to stand the test of time.

Permastore exports to over one hundred countries and has supplied many thousands of structures that have been successfully installed worldwide. PERMASTORE® containment solutions and PERMADOME® roofs and covers are supplied through a comprehensive network of international Distributors who combine the Company’s factory-controlled quality with locally supplied installation and customer support.

PERMASTORE®, PERMADOME®, FUSION®, TRIFUSION®, ISOFUSION®, ECOFUSION®, BIOTANQ®, BFUSION® and GFUSION® are Registered Trade Names of Permastore Limited of the United Kingdom.

©Copyright 2020 Permastore Limited