With unmatched and unrivalled capability and experience in the global tank and silo industry, Permastore proudly brings you PERMADOME® Roof and Cover Solutions. Our PERMADOME® Roofs and Covers product range assures you of the same high quality associated with our flagship brand PERMASTORE®.
Whatever your specification there will be a PERMADOME® Roof or Cover solution that is suitable to meet your requirements. Our dedicated Engineers ensure that all PERMADOME® Roofs and Covers interface with the tank or silo structure. Whether this is a new PERMASTORE® structure, or an existing Glass-Fused-to-Steel, Concrete, Welded, Bolted Epoxy, Stainless Steel or Galvanised tank, subject to a full design review by the customer of the existing tank to ensure its suitability to carry a roof structure, PERMADOME® can offer a full range of roof solutions to meet customer needs.
The new and innovative PERMADOME® Product range includes cutting edge designed Geodesic Dome Roofs, Tapered Beam and External Beam Roofs, Trough Deck Roofs, Single and Double Membrane Roofs and PVC Covers.
The PERMADOME® Geodesic Dome Roof sets the benchmark for excellence in Geodesic Dome Roofs. An innovative double I-beam solution, this Geodesic Dome Roof is the first Geodesic Dome in the world with a silicone free hub system meaning it is watertight – to remove the chance of leaks! It is your best possible choice for effective weather protection. In addition, with reduced onsite build times of over 20% compared to competitive products, the PERMADOME® Geodesic Dome Roof gives you a decisive cost advantage.
The PERMADOME® solution provides effective and high quality roofs and covers globally. We have many examples of PERMADOME® Products in many countries on all continents around the world. Take a look at our PERMADOME® Case Studies on the roof and cover pages on our website for further details or contact your local PERMASTORE® Distributor for more information on PERMADOME® Roof and Cover solutions in your local area.
PERMADOME® is your optimum roof and cover choice!
Visit the Permastore website for further details on all the PERMADOME® Roof and Cover solutions now!