Permastore Tanks & Silos

Permastore is the industry technical leader in the design, development and manufacture of Modular Bolted
Glass-Fused-to-Steel, Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coated and Stainless Steel containment storage solutions.

Permastore’s thriving success in Far East

The Permastore Far East team consisting of Alex Harvey & Tom Blower supported by our new Business Manager, Simon Allan and CEO, Brian Quarendon, exhibited at Asia Water 2014.  Asia Water is the largest international water show in Asia, held in Kuala Lumpur bi-annually. 

As well as exhibiting at Asia Water 2014, Permastore held their first regional distributor meeting and dinner. The response far exceeded all expectations, with almost Permastore’s entire Far East distributor network in attendance. The meeting was used as a platform to remind our Distributors of the key milestones and benchmarks Permastore have set to date.  As well as an opportunity to present the strategy for growth moving forward and our commitment as a team to providing a world class level of service. Finally Permastore outlined their expectations of the regional network in terms of orders and sales.

The Distributor Dinner, held at Gobo Upstairs in the Traders Hotel, rounded off perfectly a fantastic and productive few days.

Permastore work tirelessly to support every Distributor in its global distributor network in order to remain the global tank and silo market leader.