Permastore Tanks & Silos

Permastore is the industry technical leader in the design, development and manufacture of Modular Bolted
Glass-Fused-to-Steel, Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coated and Stainless Steel containment storage solutions.

Zeremis® Carbon Lite Steel

Zeremis® Carbon Lite Steel – achieves CO2e emission reductions.

As industry commences its journey to decarbonise its processes Permastore, with its partners, is in a unique position to offer Zeremis® Carbon Lite reduced-carbon steel sheets in the design and construction of its Glass-Fused-to-Steel and Fusion Bonded Epoxy tank kits.

When using Zeremis® Carbon Lite in its tanks, Permastore can achieve a 90%1 reduction in CO2e emissions from the steel sheets it uses. The “mass balanced” CO2e reduction of the steel that is used in a Permastore Zeremis® tank is based on real, measured CO2e savings that are made within the manufacturing process of the sheets, as opposed to an “embodied” CO2e reduction on a product level.

Ninty Percent V2Carbon savings are independently assured by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) who are independent experts in Risk Management & Quality Assurance, based on their limited assurance engagement with TATA steel in accordance with the International Standard Assurance Engagements 3000 using the WRI/WBCSD GHG protocol for Project Accounting and Reporting Standard.  

The long-term benefits of using Zeremis® Carbon Lite reduced carbon steel in combination with Permastore’s 30 and 50 year design and service life is valuable for those customers who have strong sustainability and carbon reduction initiatives, as it provides an option to select a tank kit that offers sustainability credentials beyond just the natural recyclability of a bolted steel tank.

If you require further information on how the use of Zeremis® Carbon Lite  can provide a “mass balanced” CO2e reduced carbon footprint tank, or you would like to enquire about procuring a Zeremis® Carbon Lite Steel tank kit, please contact in the first instance.

1 90% CO2e mass balanced reduction compared to the TSN average of 2,08t CO2e per tonne Hot Rolled Coil (HRC)